Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Permit Me to Get Political.....

In light of recent events circulating in the news, I thought it might be pertinent to put something out there about violence and guns. I have always considered myself a pacifist, and so I tend to get a little on-edge whenever there is mention of something like a shooting or an update on a war. In school I always enjoyed learning about Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi and their campaign for non-violence and non-violent protest. Actions speak louder than words, as they say.

That being said, it seems pretty understandable that I would get angry/annoyed when people start talking about how sometimes violence is necessary in certain situations. While most of the time their arguments to this opinion seem valid, the only one that doesn't make sense to me is the one regarding human nature. I've heard some people say that violence is an instinct, and that with respect to the "flight or fight" response, more often than not people choose to fight. What I don't get is the assumption that "fight" automatically means beating the crap out of someone, or shooting someone, or some other physical "violent" act. In many occurrences, to fight more so means to stand up and defend your situation without resorting to physical altercations. (The only exception to this of course is self-defense from someone else who is being violent--for me personally, if I had the opportunity, I would choose flight.)

If violence is the only way to get through to someone, then they are the problem and you need to find another way to convince them to listen to you. And if you use violence as a method of persuasion without listening to the other person(s), then you are the problem.

"Violence doesn't end violence--it extends it." -The Doctor

Well, I guess that's it for today. Keep an eye out for my next post--I promise it will be on a happier topic. Thanks for reading!


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